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support bluetooth serial device to show e-Bike Parameter

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support bluetooth serial device to show e-Bike Parameter Empty support bluetooth serial device to show e-Bike Parameter

Post  Baerle Sat Apr 06, 2013 10:53 pm

I think it could be a nice enhancement if you could add something like a "generic" bluetooth serial device:
There are several projects where a "serial to bluetooth" converter is attached to a small microcontroller that is measuring things:
For example the Current to the Motor of an e-Bike.
Now it would be a perfect combination of Oruxmaps on a bike with these controllers if the values are shown on the display, and even better, also written into the logged data:
Of course the protocol is one of the major things here, but for the controller I'm building any protocol would work.

As testing of obscure devices is always difficult:
For this a test setup should be easy, as almost any PC with bluetooth can work as a serial device...

What do you think?


Cantidad de envíos : 1
Fecha de inscripción : 2013-04-06

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