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Creating routes and naming of waypoints

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Creating routes and naming of waypoints Empty Creating routes and naming of waypoints

Post  lothibai Sun May 13, 2012 7:43 pm

I would like to use Oruxmaps for planning a route e.g. for biking or hiking. I normally use a hiking book, which proposes nice routes.
Before my holiday I would like to store different routes to have them prepared for my hiking tours.
Currently I know only the possibility of creating single waypoints. However for one route I need some 20-30 waypoints describing the route. If I want to prepare 5-6 routes I have more than 100 waypoints which normally have no specific names.
Is there a possibility to group the waypoints belonging to one route, so that they can easily been recalled and shown on the map.
It would be very helpful if they would be named automatically, e.g. I start a route called Route1. Then all waypoints added should be named Route1-1, Route1-2, Route1-3 and so on.
It should be also possible to add later additional waypoints. So the waypoints could be easily distinguished from waypoints belonging to Route2 or to Route3.

However the best would be, if I could create waypoints, sort them as I like. This sorting sequence should be visible on the map and afterwards I can store the complete route so that I can recall this route with one simple command.


Cantidad de envíos : 34
Fecha de inscripción : 2012-01-13

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Creating routes and naming of waypoints Empty Re: Creating routes and naming of waypoints

Post  thomashsk Thu May 24, 2012 12:23 pm

hello lothibai !

I guess there is no possibility, but I can give you a hint for a workaround.

How did I find it? I was trying to follow a set of waypoints created with google earth and wasnt successfull. I didnt know the difference between a set of waypoints and a track. I always tried to import waypoints from a tracklist, bad idea. It took a time to find out that I have to transfer the tracklist into a set of waypoints.

Now, here's how I make it:

1. Create a track with google earth or download a nice track; perhaps GPSies.

2. load the file (gpx or kml,kmz) into a gps tool, like "RouteConverter"

3. Do the changes you want: add / delete / rename positions, etc.

4. IMPORTANT: set the type of the file to "waypoint-list"

5. save the file to oruxmaps/tracklogs; format gpx 1.1

>> repeat for all your sets

6. in oruxmaps goto waypoint

7. mark all shown waypoints (with marker in upper right corner)

8. delete all waypoints

9. call menue "import waypoints"

10. select your set of waypoints

11. mark all shown waypoints (with marker in upper right corner)

12. tap route symbol (street with arrow)

13. tap Wpt. Nav.

14. tap Wpt. Alarm if you like

15. tap ok

16. that should be all, Wpt.Nav. is engaged automaticly

17. i you want to load another set of waypoint, goto 6.)

Remember, if you delete the waypoints in the menue, they are only be deleted in the database. They are still present in your gpx-file.

I take my tracks with me in 2 ways: 1. as a tracklist 2. as a waypointlist

Now I try to find out how to combine it.

I hope this is helpfull for you. Good luck, Thomas

Last edited by thomashsk on Thu May 24, 2012 12:28 pm; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : additional information)


Cantidad de envíos : 29
Fecha de inscripción : 2011-10-28

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Creating routes and naming of waypoints Empty How do I get Waypoint sets for import

Post  lothibai Tue May 29, 2012 4:46 pm

Hello Thomas,

Thank you very much for your very detailed procedure.
However I am not sure if I understand you right.
Do you mean with steps 1-5 that I should create the set of waypoints for each of my routes with a PC tool?
That works fine. I did it already with GPSies.
Is this what you call "set of waypoints" (imported in step 10).
But why do you delete all the existing waypoints (step Cool? I could also keep them and select only the newly imported ones.

What I really would like to have is however a possibility to create on short hand a list of waypoints to be used as route without any support by PC and to store! this route.

Best Regards,


Cantidad de envíos : 34
Fecha de inscripción : 2012-01-13

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Creating routes and naming of waypoints Empty short answer

Post  thomashsk Wed May 30, 2012 8:47 am

hello Lothibai!

Do you mean with steps 1-5 that I should create the set of waypoints for each of my routes with a PC tool? >> Yes, with the PC. One reason is, my phone ( LG 350 ME ) is to small Crying or Very sad ; and with the PC it is much more comfortable. Important: RouteConverter offers 3 types of files: 1) track 2) route 3) list of waypoints. If you choose 1) or 2), orux will not be able to import it as waypoints, the list stays empty - it took me a long time to find out.

Is this what you call "set of waypoints" >> yes, please apologize the wrong term

But why do you delete all the existing waypoints (step Cool? I could also keep them and select only the newly imported ones. >> yes, you are right again. But my lists of waypoints are 20 to 100 points, and I'm to lazy to mark each. If I have only the waypoints for the desired trip, I can mark them all at once with one tap, thats all.

What I really would like to have is however a possibility to create on short hand a list of waypoints to be used as route without any support by PC and to store! this route. >> ok, that seems to be a problem. What about this:

1) create your waypoints

2) goto manage waypoints

3) mark the waypoints of your route

4) export to GPX (sd-card symbol)

5) if you like, rename the file under "tracklogs" (use file-manager)

7) redo for all your routes. Then delete all waypoints.

Cool if you will start a saved route got manage waypoints

9) "import" - choose your GPX-file

10) goto step 7) > my first list

Will this help you?


PS: great thing >> openstreetmap maps with contour lines



Cantidad de envíos : 29
Fecha de inscripción : 2011-10-28

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Creating routes and naming of waypoints Empty That works!

Post  lothibai Wed May 30, 2012 5:22 pm

Thank you very much. That is what I was looking for!
What do you mean with Open Street map with contour lines?

You seem to be a real Orux Expert;-)


Cantidad de envíos : 34
Fecha de inscripción : 2012-01-13

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Creating routes and naming of waypoints Empty contour lines

Post  thomashsk Thu May 31, 2012 8:26 am


contour lines discribe the high of the terrain. in most of the maps they are not included, especially in vector maps.

i like maps with contour lines. it it very usefull when you a moving in mountainous areas. last year, i was biking with my MTB, i went down at the "wrong" side of the mountain, so i had to climb up again for coming home. it took me 1 additional hour, and it was no fun to bike in the forrest without light.

vector maps are a great progress for orux, available for some month. since that time i urgently waited for the integration of contour lines, like they are shown in opencyclemap. now kech61 has made it. the only disadvantage is, that you have to download special maps from his site. great job.



Cantidad de envíos : 29
Fecha de inscripción : 2011-10-28

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Creating routes and naming of waypoints Empty ... sets of waypoints

Post  haraldh Tue May 28, 2013 11:47 am


great, all this, thanks!

...and if you don´t want to follow a route but only load a set of waypoints (let´s say "climbing rocks"), you first follow the workaround from Thomas until step 5 to create your sets of waypoints saved in oruxmaps/tracklogs
Then you only (in the main window) tap "route" - "load file", choose your set of waypoints and it quickly shows up in the map. You then can tap one of them and use the navi function.


Last edited by haraldh on Tue May 28, 2013 11:56 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : better)


Cantidad de envíos : 1
Fecha de inscripción : 2013-05-28

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Creating routes and naming of waypoints Empty How to plan the route?

Post  davidovits Mon Jun 10, 2013 1:56 pm

Hi, Orux

I use Oruxmaps for hiking in Hungary (with hiking raster map). Perfectly planned route of the terrain (marked hiking trail).
Where from download the route data? (Wikloc, Everytrail)


Cantidad de envíos : 8
Fecha de inscripción : 2012-04-16

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Creating routes and naming of waypoints Empty Re: Creating routes and naming of waypoints

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