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heart rate new beta 2.7xxx

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heart rate new beta 2.7xxx Empty heart rate new beta 2.7xxx

Post  lorenzo.pozzoli Sat Jan 21, 2012 8:57 am

Dear orux, I'm trying the new beta using a galaxy note.
I'm using a polar bluetooth heart rate monitor and it works well.
But oruxmaps is not showing heart rate data on the graphs and when I import the gpx file on PC (sportracks or compegps or others) I can't see hr data too.
I opened *.gpx file and I noticed that heart rate data is stored at the end of the file..but I can't access it with my gps software..


Cantidad de envíos : 17
Fecha de inscripción : 2012-01-16

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heart rate new beta 2.7xxx Empty Re: heart rate new beta 2.7xxx

Post  lorenzo.pozzoli Sat Jan 21, 2012 9:06 am

I looked better into files..
into my garmin file the heart rate is stored this way:

<st:heartRate time="2010-05-21T15:13:09Z" bpm="97" />
<st:heartRate time="2010-05-21T15:13:11Z" bpm="96" />
<st:heartRate time="2010-05-21T15:13:15Z" bpm="98" />

Oruxmap file:

87 2012-01-19T17:29:02Z
84 2012-01-19T17:29:05Z
86 2012-01-19T17:29:07Z
93 2012-01-19T17:29:10Z
97 2012-01-19T17:29:12Z
99 2012-01-19T17:29:15Z
102 2012-01-19T17:29:17Z
105 2012-01-19T17:29:20Z
108 2012-01-19T17:29:23Z
108 2012-01-19T17:29:25Z
106 2012-01-19T17:29:27Z


Cantidad de envíos : 17
Fecha de inscripción : 2012-01-16

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heart rate new beta 2.7xxx Empty Re: heart rate new beta 2.7xxx

Post  lorenzo.pozzoli Sat Jan 21, 2012 10:04 am

I tried the 2.6 version and I have the same issue.

sorry,this is not the garmin file but the garmin file convertet to gpx using tcxconverter.

<st:heartRate time="2010-05-21T15:13:09Z" bpm="97" />
<st:heartRate time="2010-05-21T15:13:11Z" bpm="96" />
<st:heartRate time="2010-05-21T15:13:15Z" bpm="98" />


Cantidad de envíos : 17
Fecha de inscripción : 2012-01-16

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heart rate new beta 2.7xxx Empty Re: heart rate new beta 2.7xxx

Post  lorenzo.pozzoli Sat Jan 21, 2012 12:48 pm

new update..i tried the same using a zte blade and hrm is working on oruxmaps graphs and on pc.
the problem is on the galaxy note..i don't know why..maybe I could send you the 2 gpx files to compare..


Cantidad de envíos : 17
Fecha de inscripción : 2012-01-16

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heart rate new beta 2.7xxx Empty Re: heart rate new beta 2.7xxx

Post  orux Sat Jan 21, 2012 2:03 pm

lorenzo.pozzoli wrote:new update..i tried the same using a zte blade and hrm is working on oruxmaps graphs and on pc.
the problem is on the galaxy note..i don't know why..maybe I could send you the 2 gpx files to compare..


this is not normal,

hrm information can be exported to gpx files in a well know format, that can be used with mapmytracks, google earth,...

please, send me your oruxmapstracks.db file (inside oruxmaps/trackslogs/ directory)-->oruxuro@gmail.com


Cantidad de envíos : 3946
Fecha de inscripción : 2009-07-06

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heart rate new beta 2.7xxx Empty Re: heart rate new beta 2.7xxx

Post  lorenzo.pozzoli Sat Jan 21, 2012 9:58 pm

orux wrote:
lorenzo.pozzoli wrote:new update..i tried the same using a zte blade and hrm is working on oruxmaps graphs and on pc.
the problem is on the galaxy note..i don't know why..maybe I could send you the 2 gpx files to compare..


this is not normal,

hrm information can be exported to gpx files in a well know format, that can be used with mapmytracks, google earth,...

please, send me your oruxmapstracks.db file (inside oruxmaps/trackslogs/ directory)-->oruxuro@gmail.com


Thank you for your support, I've just sent you the requested files..


Cantidad de envíos : 17
Fecha de inscripción : 2012-01-16

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heart rate new beta 2.7xxx Empty Re: heart rate new beta 2.7xxx

Post  lorenzo.pozzoli Thu Jan 26, 2012 8:13 am

Finally,thanks to orux, I know it's a problem with the utc date from the galaxy note gps that shows the next day instead of today.
So heart rate values and track points are not synchronized.
At the moment to solve that issue I have to modify the database file of oruxmaps in order to subtract a value to have the right day on gps track points.
It seems that some devices have this issue..i'm trying to solve that.
More update soon


Cantidad de envíos : 17
Fecha de inscripción : 2012-01-16

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heart rate new beta 2.7xxx Empty Re: heart rate new beta 2.7xxx

Post  lorenzo.pozzoli Thu Jan 26, 2012 1:01 pm

solved with the new samsung firmware xxla4..now oruxmaps is working perfectly on my note


Cantidad de envíos : 17
Fecha de inscripción : 2012-01-16

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