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Everytrail upload & MapMyTracks

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Everytrail upload & MapMyTracks Empty Everytrail upload & MapMyTracks

Post  Alastair Fri Jul 30, 2010 2:22 pm


I have noticed that I can't upload my tracks to Everytrail (directly from the phone) if I only have a GPRS signal. If I have Edge, 3G or HSPDA then it seems to work.

However, if I have only GPRS and I connect a laptop up to the phone and export the GPX file then I can upload over the same speed GPRS connection via the Everytrail website.

On a recent two week bike ride I found I could only upload from the phone a couple of times due to the connection speed.


the interface does not seem to upload your final position when you stop logging (unless you wait for the 2/5/10 or 30 minute interval). This is rather frustrating if you have it set to 30 minutes.

Also, if you change the MapMyTracks interval whilst in the middle of a track then it seems to stop sending updates completely. (I tried using 30 minutes to conserve battery then changing to 2 minutes when an hour or so from the end of a day but it didn't work).

Great application generally,



Cantidad de envíos : 34
Fecha de inscripción : 2010-05-13

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Everytrail upload & MapMyTracks Empty Re: Everytrail upload & MapMyTracks

Post  orux Fri Jul 30, 2010 6:15 pm

Alastair wrote:Everytrail

I have noticed that I can't upload my tracks to Everytrail (directly from the phone) if I only have a GPRS signal. If I have Edge, 3G or HSPDA then it seems to work.

However, if I have only GPRS and I connect a laptop up to the phone and export the GPX file then I can upload over the same speed GPRS connection via the Everytrail website.

On a recent two week bike ride I found I could only upload from the phone a couple of times due to the connection speed.


the interface does not seem to upload your final position when you stop logging (unless you wait for the 2/5/10 or 30 minute interval). This is rather frustrating if you have it set to 30 minutes.

Also, if you change the MapMyTracks interval whilst in the middle of a track then it seems to stop sending updates completely. (I tried using 30 minutes to conserve battery then changing to 2 minutes when an hour or so from the end of a day but it didn't work).

Great application generally,


Hi, Alastair;

About GPRS connection; OruxMaps can not control the http connection, it is the work of android. The time out is set to 10 seconds; I will try with 20 seconds.

About MapMyTracks; when you stop recording the track, OruxMaps should send all not sended points. It works fine in the emulator, but will do more tests.

About changing the interval during a live tracking, you are right, does not work fine. I will do some changes.



Cantidad de envíos : 3946
Fecha de inscripción : 2009-07-06

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Everytrail upload & MapMyTracks Empty Re: Everytrail upload & MapMyTracks

Post  la patata Thu Jan 06, 2011 5:11 pm

What does the time in mapmytracks setup in oruxmaps mean? That logged Data is transferred every x seconds/minutes or does it mean the logging interval is x seconds/minutes ? I guess it is the first one. Is it possible to set the logging interval manually? (>possible feature request). This would make it possible to switch of gps chip between and save a lot battery and data volume for people who don't need new positions /data every second for beforemetnioned reasons. For example if gps is only turned on every 120 seconds or so to check position. (GPS Tracker from instamapper LLC makes this possible). Is this supported by the mapmytracksapi ?

P.S I am a bit late, but thanks for integrating the function to manually disable downloads of mapdata. cheers cheers cheers

la patata

Cantidad de envíos : 7
Fecha de inscripción : 2010-07-18

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Everytrail upload & MapMyTracks Empty Re: Everytrail upload & MapMyTracks

Post  orux Fri Jan 07, 2011 6:05 pm

la patata wrote:What does the time in mapmytracks setup in oruxmaps mean? That logged Data is transferred every x seconds/minutes or does it mean the logging interval is x seconds/minutes ? I guess it is the first one. Is it possible to set the logging interval manually? (>possible feature request). This would make it possible to switch of gps chip between and save a lot battery and data volume for people who don't need new positions /data every second for beforemetnioned reasons. For example if gps is only turned on every 120 seconds or so to check position. (GPS Tracker from instamapper LLC makes this possible). Is this supported by the mapmytracksapi ?

P.S I am a bit late, but thanks for integrating the function to manually disable downloads of mapdata. cheers cheers cheers


It is the first. data is transferred to MapMytracks every xx seconds.

You can select different settings for your gps, using:

--on screen power button (if you select eco mode, the gps will stay off for a long time).

--play with minimal time/distance for gps fix in settings--application.


Cantidad de envíos : 3946
Fecha de inscripción : 2009-07-06

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