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Creating Map from multiple tiles

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Creating Map from multiple tiles Empty Creating Map from multiple tiles

Post  tweeek Wed May 23, 2012 1:07 am

Hi, Sorry, noob here.

I have 1.6 GB of .jpg files from my Canada Topo app on my android. They are organized in directories by zoom scale. (Roughly 50000 .jpgs and a .png. Zoom level up to 15) Backcountry Navigator & My Canada Maps app open the map correctly, but I am trying to understand a way to get these multiple tiles into a usable map format the oruxmaps can view.

Can someone please help and point me in the right direction. I am finding alot of this somewhat overwhelming.



Cantidad de envíos : 1
Fecha de inscripción : 2012-05-23

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Creating Map from multiple tiles Empty Re: Creating Map from multiple tiles

Post  orux Wed May 23, 2012 7:00 pm

tweeek wrote:Hi, Sorry, noob here.

I have 1.6 GB of .jpg files from my Canada Topo app on my android. They are organized in directories by zoom scale. (Roughly 50000 .jpgs and a .png. Zoom level up to 15) Backcountry Navigator & My Canada Maps app open the map correctly, but I am trying to understand a way to get these multiple tiles into a usable map format the oruxmaps can view.

Can someone please help and point me in the right direction. I am finding alot of this somewhat overwhelming.



OruxMaps can not work with .jpg/.png maps. You have to convert the maps to a compatible format, using OruxMapsDesktop, or OkMap.

mor info here-->www.oruxmaps.com


Cantidad de envíos : 3946
Fecha de inscripción : 2009-07-06

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