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Is there a way to select multiple gridzones?

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Is there a way to select multiple gridzones? Empty Is there a way to select multiple gridzones?

Post  kaffe Wed Jun 01, 2011 8:59 am


Thank you for the great application!

When grid view is turned on i can mark gridzones to form a larger selection. Is there a way to select multiple gridzones, in a diagonal way? Suppose I want to have a pretty detailed map over a road that is in a Northwest direction and I am only interested in the area close to the road.

It would be nice if I could use like CTRL + mouse cklick to select the grid areas that covers the road and then the application take care of the rest Smile

Best regards,


Cantidad de envíos : 2
Fecha de inscripción : 2011-06-01

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Is there a way to select multiple gridzones? Empty Re: Is there a way to select multiple gridzones?

Post  orux Wed Jun 01, 2011 4:54 pm

kaffe wrote:Hi

Thank you for the great application!

When grid view is turned on i can mark gridzones to form a larger selection. Is there a way to select multiple gridzones, in a diagonal way? Suppose I want to have a pretty detailed map over a road that is in a Northwest direction and I am only interested in the area close to the road.

It would be nice if I could use like CTRL + mouse cklick to select the grid areas that covers the road and then the application take care of the rest Smile

Best regards,

Hi, thanks;

I suppose you mean mobac.

Mobac allow to create multiple maps as you want; select a rectangle, then add to the atlas. So on. If you take the whole created folder to OruxMaps, you can use that atlas directly.

Mobac goes beyond, you can use drag & drop and put all the maps together, but this still does not work well with OruxMaps.


Cantidad de envíos : 3946
Fecha de inscripción : 2009-07-06

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Is there a way to select multiple gridzones? Empty Re: Is there a way to select multiple gridzones?

Post  kaffe Thu Jun 02, 2011 6:47 pm

Sorry, Yes I meant Mobac. I wanted to select multiple rectangles at the same time and then click "Add selection" and then they were all added to Atlas content. When I add one selection at a time, I forget which rectangles I already have added. I guess I have too bad memory. Embarassed


Cantidad de envíos : 2
Fecha de inscripción : 2011-06-01

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Is there a way to select multiple gridzones? Empty Re: Is there a way to select multiple gridzones?

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