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Good old "normal" cursor gone in 3.5.9beta?

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Good old "normal" cursor gone in 3.5.9beta? Empty Good old "normal" cursor gone in 3.5.9beta?

Post  Anderas Mon May 23, 2011 12:47 pm

Installed 3.5.9beta and then tried one of the new cursors (neodraig). I did not like them and wanted to go back to the transparent circle cursor which I coud activate as "normal". But that does not work anymore. I can select any cursor (colored arrows or one of the neodraig), but as soon as I select "normal", I finish up with neodraig. At the moment I live with a self defined cursor, which obviously use the png tranparent color to leave the map visible behind the cursor. However, I cannot figure out how to gain half-tranparency.


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Good old "normal" cursor gone in 3.5.9beta? Empty Re: Good old "normal" cursor gone in 3.5.9beta?

Post  orux Mon May 23, 2011 9:14 pm

Anderas wrote:Installed 3.5.9beta and then tried one of the new cursors (neodraig). I did not like them and wanted to go back to the transparent circle cursor which I coud activate as "normal". But that does not work anymore. I can select any cursor (colored arrows or one of the neodraig), but as soon as I select "normal", I finish up with neodraig. At the moment I live with a self defined cursor, which obviously use the png tranparent color to leave the map visible behind the cursor. However, I cannot figure out how to gain half-tranparency.

The old cursor should be present in the list--> 'transparent' cursor.


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Fecha de inscripción : 2009-07-06

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