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Automatic track logging

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Automatic track logging Empty Automatic track logging

Post  spuncika Sat Feb 05, 2011 3:29 pm


is it possible to enable automatic track logging?
Since using Ozi for few years I'm use to start application and when GPS signal is received tracking is on.
For few times I have forgot to turn on track logging in Orux.



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Automatic track logging Empty Re: Automatic track logging

Post  orux Mon Feb 07, 2011 8:24 pm

spuncika wrote:Hi,

is it possible to enable automatic track logging?
Since using Ozi for few years I'm use to start application and when GPS signal is received tracking is on.
For few times I have forgot to turn on track logging in Orux.


Hi; you can start track logging directly. You do not have to wait the first gps position fix.


Cantidad de envíos : 3946
Fecha de inscripción : 2009-07-06

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Automatic track logging Empty Automatic track logging

Post  spuncika Tue Feb 08, 2011 9:04 am

Hi Orux,

problem is not that I cannot start logging while there is no GPS signal.
It would be great to have option to start logging automatically after I start Oruxmaps application (because I use to forget to start logging).



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Automatic track logging Empty Re: Automatic track logging

Post  gps Tue Feb 08, 2011 9:36 am

hello spuncika

Simply, do not forget to start the GPS chip Wink
For me, I think your problem is very bad for the battery life.

I think that should not be implemented as a standard.
Perhaps as a selectable option.

cu gps


Cantidad de envíos : 15
Fecha de inscripción : 2010-12-19
Localización : CH


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Automatic track logging Empty Re: Automatic track logging

Post  spuncika Tue Feb 08, 2011 11:52 am


as I understand GPS chip is turn on when application is started so battery consumption is the same.
Anyway, it would be great to have possibility to sect this option in settings menu.



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Automatic track logging Empty Re: Automatic track logging

Post  joeuser1 Wed Feb 09, 2011 8:24 am

in my opinion, all currently available gps software (including oruxmaps) handles "track logging" wrong. there should *never* be an option to enable or disable the log. whenever the gps is active, all delivered points are to be recorded. no exceptions!

memory is a non-issue: todays smartphones can easily store many months worth of points without even noticing. battery is a non-issue: the gps eats milliamps, storing points does not.

whenever i want "tracks" from my huge point database, i should be presented with a nice UI that allows me to choose a range (by day, by breaks, graphically, anything). i can then export whatever data i want in whatever resolution i prefer (by time, by distance, with a clever point reduction algorithm).

the important idea here is that the stored gps positions are *always* available in best possible resolution and i can decide *later* (even after weeks) how and if i want to turn them into tracks.


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Automatic track logging Empty Re: Automatic track logging

Post  gp745 Wed Feb 09, 2011 10:03 pm

joeuser1 wrote:in my opinion, all currently available gps software (including oruxmaps) handles "track logging" wrong. there should *never* be an option to enable or disable the log. whenever the gps is active, all delivered points are to be recorded. no exceptions!

I am not sure that this right way to go. Why do I need those tracks if I don't ask for them? How practical is that? BTW, writing data on SD (periodically) will affect the battery life. And I also think (but I am not sure how big the difference is) that if no applications require GPS coordinates and other GPS related info, the GPS chip will consume significantly less power.
At the same time I have my own proposal. Whenever I put a market on the map (Go to: Point) (i.e. it becomes a new waypoint), a new track is created. By why? Often I just try to put a marker on the map to see where I am in relation to the waypoint, may be to plan (offline) approximately the best route to the point of interest. etc. But the application creates a new track every time (an empty track that does not include any useful info, except for the aforementioned waypoint). Eventually, you put on the map 10 different waypoints (let's say over several days) and you ended up having 10 empty tracks in the track database. Now I have to delete those 10 empty tracks manually and every time instruct Oruxmaps to leave the waypoints in the database. Quite inconvenient and time consuming process.
Unfortunately, right now it is impossible to create a new waypoint without using "Goto -> Point" functionality (with automatic creation of a new track) or import function (I need to create a text file for that). Or may be I am missing something here and there is a workaround for my problem?



Cantidad de envíos : 10
Fecha de inscripción : 2011-02-07

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