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Location "Send To"/"share with" Oruxmaps

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Location "Send To"/"share with" Oruxmaps  Empty Location "Send To"/"share with" Oruxmaps

Post  sean2035 Sun Oct 10, 2010 7:03 am

Some application (like the geocaching-app c:geo) allow to send a location to another app, and open it there.
Oruxmaps is not in the list of apps that can recieve the location, just Google Maps and some other apps (for example the public transportation-app "Öffi" in germany).

How can I send a location to oruxmaps?
Is that something I would have to configure on my device, or would you have to do that programatically in oruxmaps?
If latter, this would be a greatly appreciated feature Very Happy

Cheers, sean


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