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Fix for GPS on Droid X

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Fix for GPS on Droid X Empty Fix for GPS on Droid X

Post  MMan Sat Sep 18, 2010 9:41 pm


I have a somewhat unique request. There is a known issue on the Droid X that causes the GPS to not function when the phone is in airplane mode unless the GPS was active when the phone was placed in airplane mode. Even in this situation if the GPS radio turns off temporarily, the only way to re-enable it is to turn off airplane mode, activate the GPS, and then turn airplane mode back on. This happens regardless if aGPS is enabled and makes using the device in an off-line mode very difficult.

Could a feature be added to OruxMaps that would somehow perform this operation automatically? The sequence would be:

Turn off airplane mode (or just turn on the cell radio)
Turn on GPS
Turn on airplane mode (or just turn off the cell radio)
Repeat any time GPS has been temporarily turned off



Cantidad de envíos : 1
Fecha de inscripción : 2010-09-18

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Fix for GPS on Droid X Empty Re: Fix for GPS on Droid X

Post  orux Mon Sep 20, 2010 4:27 pm

MMan wrote:Hi,

I have a somewhat unique request. There is a known issue on the Droid X that causes the GPS to not function when the phone is in airplane mode unless the GPS was active when the phone was placed in airplane mode. Even in this situation if the GPS radio turns off temporarily, the only way to re-enable it is to turn off airplane mode, activate the GPS, and then turn airplane mode back on. This happens regardless if aGPS is enabled and makes using the device in an off-line mode very difficult.

Could a feature be added to OruxMaps that would somehow perform this operation automatically? The sequence would be:

Turn off airplane mode (or just turn on the cell radio)
Turn on GPS
Turn on airplane mode (or just turn off the cell radio)
Repeat any time GPS has been temporarily turned off


Hi, MMan;

I will try.


Cantidad de envíos : 3946
Fecha de inscripción : 2009-07-06

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