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Batchmode converting jpegs to orux maps

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Batchmode converting jpegs to orux maps Empty Batchmode converting jpegs to orux maps

Post  RichZ Tue Aug 13, 2013 5:29 pm


I have a rather special problem: several dozens of old scans of maps in various scales without any georeferencing information that I could use conveniently.

I have imagined I would convert the jpegs to oruxmaps format leaving georeferencing blank - and once I am in the area where I need one of those maps I would load it into Oruxmap and calibrate.

Now my special question, can I somehow batchmode convert all jpegs in a directory to oruxmaps leaving them without georeferencing information to calibrate later?

Thanks for any ideas


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Fecha de inscripción : 2012-05-18

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