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uploading tracks from orux maps to gpsies using experia active

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uploading tracks from orux maps to gpsies using experia active Empty uploading tracks from orux maps to gpsies using experia active

Post  ENTEKSA Fri Jul 12, 2013 12:23 pm


I am using an experia active and I am trying to upload my tracks from orux maps to gpsies. unfortunately there is a problem. when I choose my track and I try to upload it, there is written: Error - www.gpsies.com. when I try to do the same using Samsung Galaxy II there is no problem to upload my trakcs to gpsies. Can any body help me? I am a bike traveller and very beginner with all this aps.


Cantidad de envíos : 1
Fecha de inscripción : 2013-07-12

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