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automatic zoom for car / biking

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automatic zoom for car / biking Empty automatic zoom for car / biking

Post  volker Sat Jun 23, 2012 7:01 pm

Hello orux,

I use oruxmaps mainly for hiking and motor-biking. Currently the option to create different profiles are great. My motor-biking profile (e.g. keep screen on, use new dashboard with large characters, use different cursor...) is different to my hiking profile.

Today I am writing because I have an idea /request: when motor-biking -or car driving, sailing, para-gliding (?) - you can not change the zoom of a map (leather biking gloves !). It would be great, if oruxmaps would do an "autozoom" depending on the current speed. So if you are driving below a limit (e.g. less than 30 km/h) than show the current layer with 100%. If the speed increases and is above a limit, than switch to a less detailed layer or do a digital zoom to 80% (?). Is this usefull? What do you think?

If somebody else require this or a similar feature, feel free to place a comment :-)

best regards.

Cantidad de envíos : 29
Fecha de inscripción : 2010-07-11

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automatic zoom for car / biking Empty Re: automatic zoom for car / biking

Post  pedja Sun Jun 24, 2012 9:27 am

Nice idea. Could be useful.


Cantidad de envíos : 111
Fecha de inscripción : 2010-12-06

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automatic zoom for car / biking Empty Re: automatic zoom for car / biking

Post  Stager Sun Sep 30, 2012 12:59 pm

And GPS frequency survey - depending on current zoom. On max zoom - continuous survey. On min - every 30 seconds.


Cantidad de envíos : 19
Fecha de inscripción : 2011-06-22

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automatic zoom for car / biking Empty Re: automatic zoom for car / biking

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