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Suggested Improvements for OruxMaps Desktop

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Suggested Improvements for OruxMaps Desktop Empty Suggested Improvements for OruxMaps Desktop

Post  mike_abc Fri Sep 23, 2011 4:27 pm

Hi there,

I have several suggestions:

a. Allow copy & paste in the fields that are not lists - points, coordinates, directories. Add a <clear all> button to clear them in one move.
b. Add a Load/Save function to load/save all data so that you don't have to reenter it again every time. You can easily save the data in a sequential text file.
c. Don't clear the data in the fields after generating the map. The use can do so with the <clear all> button.

Cheers, rendeer


PS. Nice reindeer.


Cantidad de envíos : 1
Fecha de inscripción : 2011-06-20

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