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Abililty to add waypoints to a track (not a route)

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Abililty to add waypoints to a track (not a route) Empty Abililty to add waypoints to a track (not a route)

Post  idispatch Sun Jul 14, 2013 6:38 am

When going on a walk, I prepare a rough route on GPSies, import it, and follow it. Then I track my real path and collect landmarks (waypoints) along the way, and then publish the track along with its waypoints on GPSies.
Here is my problem: I do most of my walks in the same region and so I come across the same waypoints often in different walks, and I would like to publish these waypoints for my current track. I have an option in OruxMaps to add a waypoint to a route, but when I export to GPSies this waypoint is not included, because it is not attached to my current track but to my current route I guess.
So I suppose a solution for my problem (exporting an pre-existing waypoint to GPSises) would be to be able to add a waypoint to my current track.

But if there already is a workaround to do what I need, I'd gladly hear of it.


Cantidad de envíos : 3
Fecha de inscripción : 2013-07-14

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