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Geo Tagging of Photo

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Geo Tagging of Photo  Empty Geo Tagging of Photo

Post  vairavanathan Fri May 10, 2013 1:14 pm

Dear Jose,

First of all "Thanks a lot" for this great application. This is the first application ever support layering of maps. Many features like getting own position, kml overlay, 3D/ Relief map, measuring distance, Area calculation, on line map creator and many more are very useful for us.

I am a new comer to this forum. i am enjoying the features of my Orux like Layering of maps , 3D/Relief map challenged many application available in market. i have tried even Google maps, Locus and many more. i managed to download satellite imagery through MOBAC and layered with Geo referenced digital paper maps of that particular area. Marvelous . working well than the expectation. Great is when i start to use DEM files for that area. It challenged all other application in market. In small hand held device i could able to see the ground level view like in Google earth. A 5.5mb application really reached top.

on line tracking is not working, i.e multitracking.

Geo tagging of a Geo referenced photo( taken from a smart phone after enabling GPS Tag ON in settings of Camera ) directly into OruxMaps will be helpful to geo tag the photo taken during trekking. and photo should come with track when exporting into GPX/KML. Is there any add-ons to fill this gap.

dedicated follower of orux. vairavanathan


Cantidad de envíos : 9
Fecha de inscripción : 2013-05-10

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